Mahele Documents

00463 Enosa Kahakumakaliua, foster child
Claim Number: 00463
Claimant: Kuihelani
Other claimant:Enosa Kahakumakaliua, foster child
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Hilo
Ahupuaa: Punahoa
Statistics: 13320 characters 2339 words
No. 463, Kuihelani
N.R. 183v2

Letter stating the claim to the land of Punahoa at Hilo, Island of Hawaii.
This is how Enosa /Enoch/ got the right to this land - he was the heir of Kawailepolepo. These were the King's lands which he gave to Kawailepolepo; Poki got it from Kawailepolepo, Keaholawaia, the kane of Piopio, got it from Poki. That was the time the king sailed with Poki to Hilo - when the people gave their lands to the King. The place at which the land of the various subjects of the King was given to him, was Kanokapa.

This was what Poki said to Kawailepolepo - that Kawailepolepo was over Keaholawaia because 'our friend lives here in Hilo.' From this time until his death, Kawailepolepo had this land and it was inherited by his keiki /Enosa/.

When the Legislature of Nobles met at Lahaina for the counting of the lands. Enosa inherited these lands, so I heard.

Here is Enosa's message to me by letter, for me to tell you, the Land Commissioners, concerning the taking of Punahoa by Kaeo. It is for you to remedy with Kaeo, therefore this letter telling you of what action Kaeo has taken, of his own wishes. The witness of the action at Lahaina on the land, is John Ii and the konohiki of the ali`i.
H. KUIHELANI, Foster Parent of Enosa
13 February 1847

The witnesses are the people who went with the King to Hilo in the year 1828.

N.R. 174v2
No. 453, Kuihelani

Letter telling of the basis of right in the taro patch and the basis of right in various lihis and `ilis of Wailuku.

There are 93 taro patches at Keahupio and also an unirrigated kula. The description is as follows: on the north a small stream, on the east the highway, on the south the edge of the cliff and the kula of Puako, on the west the auwai. Those are the boundaries and that place is our taro patch kuleana from my parents from long ago. Kaiakahi remained and upon his death I inherited it. Eleven taro patches at Puhiawawa and also a small kula there, this was from Kailihiwa. Seven taro patches at Mokuhau, 20 taro patches at Ahuana, 2 at Halaula, 2 at another Halaula, 1 taro patch at Kumuwiliwili, 70 at Peepee. This place is mine from Mahune. I asked him and he gave me that place. No one has hindered me until today.

F.T. 226-228v2
Claim 463, Kuihelani, Counter 12, Kaeo, March 6 [1848], See page 240, volume 10 Native Testimony for Certificate of Division

Kuapanio, sworn, I know this land called Punahoa II situated at Hilo, Hawaii.


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.... the land under Kawailepolepo.

When the land officer asked all of Hawaii to carry pebbles, the people did not carry out this request so the land official, Keoki, took this property away, then reported why the land had been taken away. Then I asked the chief to retain our property and he consented. In the year 1841 this property was again taken out by Mahune because the men did not help Piopio with the lumber for the corrugated house. Later Mahune reported to the chief on the separation of the land and upon hearing of this, Piopio told me about it. So I went to the chief and told him that Mahune had taken the land away. The chief returned the land to Enoka, the son of Kawailepolepo, and Piopio has lived under him to his death and the land has been disposed without any legitimate reason."

Z. Kaauwai, sworn and stated, "What I had first known about this land is just as Namauu has related here. It was in the year 1840 I had heard Piopio saying to Kaaimalalo, thus: 'The land of our (with Kawailepolepo) child has been separated.' I had not heard that Namauu had requested of the King to have that property returned to Enoka. Piopio had died in the year 1845 and at that time Kaaimalalo asked me to write a will. They bequested their own lands to Kaeo and the names of the lands were included in the will. Haehae's lands were also mentioned in the bequest for Kaeo, forhe (Haehae) is Kaaimalalos husband. Kaaimalalo further related about the lands of the cousins and at this time the wife, Kaunahi by name, had come to ask for Punahoa and Kaaimalalo said, 'That land is for the child of Kawailepolepo.' I have heard twice that property is for Kawailepolepo and I have also heard this from Piopio. This is my testimony."

See page 246, volume 3

N.T. 246v3
No. 453, Kuihelani

Office of the Minister of Interior, September 6, 1848

See Kuihelani's protest for the ahupuaa of Punahoa in Hilo, page 553, volume II. [N.T.]

N.T. 240v10
No. 463, Kuihelani (for E. Kahakumakalina)

E. Kahakumakalina's land in the Registry of Maheles.
Punahoa ahupuaa, Hilo, Hawaii

True Copy
A.G. Thruston, Clerk, Interior Department
22 June 1853

See page 372 [not yet located]

[Award 463; R.P. 2176, R.P. 2665, Punahoa Hilo; 1 ap.; .32 Acs; R.P. 2176; Punahoa Hilo; 1 ap.; 2.53 Acs; R.P. 5706, Punahoa Hilo; R.P. 2665 and 2176 Kuihelani for E. Kahakumakalina; R.P. 5707; Punahoa 1 Hilo; 1 ap.; 846 Acs (Maui); R.P. 1997; Puhiawaawa Puako Wailuku; 4 ap.; 18.43 Acs]