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No. 8369, Kanekake
N.R. 546v5
Greetings to the Land Commissioners: Here is my message about the house lot at apanakai. It is a very old house lot, from the time of the Russians. Part of my house lot was lost to the road, and a little remains to me. There are four houses and the spring.
N.T. 765-766v3
No. 8369, Kanekaka /Kuolani/, Protest, No. 196 Akahi
Nahemolele, sworn, I have seen this ....
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.... you live and see the chief's lands all being exhausted, then take this land directly to the chief." When the time came for settling the claims, Kanekake sent me on an errand to the chief and he said to me, "I have known that place was mine, have a deed made and take it to the commissioners." I myself took the claim to the commissioners at Halekauila. The king has not built any house there for himself, neither has Kanekake.
[No. 8369 not awarded]