Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08304
Claimant: Kalamahiai
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Waialua
Ahupuaa: Kawailoa
Ili: Ukoa, Waipuolo, Konohikilau, Kealia
Statistics: 3156 characters 528 words
No. 8304, Kalamahiai, Lauhulu, January 25, 1848
N.R. 524v5

To the Land Commissioners: I, Kalamahiai, hereby state my claim at Kawailoa. The first is Kamooha, bounded on the north by Anahulu, on the east by Kalehina's land, on the south by a thorny thicket, on the west by Huki's land. The second is Kaneike, whose boundaries have been measured. On the north and east is a watercourse, on the south and west is Huki's land. The third is Kapuatea, bounded on the north by Kahoohano's and Mokualu's land, on the east by bulrushes, on the south by a stream, on the west by Kaeaawa's ....

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.... na 2:
Mauka, watercourse
Waianae, and Makai, land of Huki
Koolaupoko, my mo`o.

Apana 3:
Mauka and Waianae, Anahulu Stream
Makai, land of Kaaiawa
Koolaupoko, kula of Kuokoa, and of Holaniku.

Apana 4 The boundaries are not clear because it is not enclosed.

Apanas 1, 2 and 4 were from me in the time of Kekauluohi. They are undisputed. Apana 3 was from Lohi in the time of Kekauluohi.

Kalehina, sworn, My knowledge of it is the same as Kuokoa's.

[Award 8304; R.P. 630; Kawailoa Waialua; 2 ap.; .74 Ac.; Ukoa Kawailoa Waialua; 1 ap.;.26 Ac.]