Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08254
Claimant: Haoleki
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Hanapepe
Ili: Kaauwaikahi
Statistics: 3179 characters 533 words
No. 8254, Haoleki
N.R. 386-387v9

To the Land Commissioners in Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, greetings to you all: I, Haoleki, a Hawaiian subject living at Hanapepe on the island of Kauai, hereby state my claim for land which is occupied, at Hanapepe. There are two taro lo`i. The first lo`i is 41 fathoms long by 21 fathoms wide. The second lo`i is 47 fathoms long by 11 fathoms wide. my land was received from Lihue, however it is held under the Konohiki.

This land was acquired as follows: This woman went to Oahu in 1842, leaving the land and giving it absolutely to me, without thinking of retu ....

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.... uka by Kuheleloa moo
Wahiawa by Kaauaekahi ditch
Makai by Ioioamoa moo
Waimea by Kekiele loi.

Land from Poopuu at the time Kekauonohi was governor and when he (Poopuu) went to Oahu. They (Poopuu) returned in 1845, later in 1846 there was a dispute among them over the land. Haoleki was evicted by Poopuu after which a court hearing was held before the governor and the verdict was in Haoleki`s favor. He has had the land to the present time and Opoopuu is interfering at this time.

Lono, sworn, Wahineaea's statement is right.

[Award 8254; Kaauwaikahi 2 ap. 1 Ac 14 rods; TMK 1-9-12]