Mahele Documents

08251 Kamoopohaku, son
Claim Number: 08251
Claimant: Hulaia
Other claimant:Kamoopohaku, son
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Waimea
Ili: Nania
Statistics: 1463 characters 243 words
No. 8251, Hulaia
N.R. 385-386v9

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: In the `ili of Nania in the Ahupua`a of Waimea, island of Kauai, is a lo`i and the kuakuas* Stand on the east, turn to the north, 4 chains 9 fathoms, turn west, 1 chain 3 fathoms, turn south, 4 chains ....

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.... verifies Pakai's statement.

Puhilaulu, sworn, Melieke and I went to Pale and Melieke asked her, "what would happen to the land if you should die?" "It would be for you."

[Award 8251; no R.P. Waimea Kona; 1 ap.; 2 roods 2 rods; Hulaia for Kamoopohaku]