Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08183
Claimant: Hina
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Koolauloa
Ahupuaa: Hauula
Statistics: 3612 characters 611 words
No. 8183, Hina, Hauula, Koolauloa, January 20, 1848
N.R. 500-501v5

To the Honorable Land Commissioners of the Hawaiian Islands: I, Hina, am the one who has the mo`o in the Ahupua`a of Hauula. There are four lo`i and one kula, bounded on the north by Hoopalahe's land, on the east by Kamoiliili's land, on the south by Nalehu's land, and Koekoe's land, on the west by a stream. This is from the kula to the lo`is. It is a land bequeathed from my kupunas.
Farewell to you,
I.A.K. X his mark

F.T. 12v10
No. 8183, Hina, Hauula, 2nd September 1850

Kahanaumaikai, sworn, says he knows the kula land claimed by Hina, in Hauula. There ar ....

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.... nclosed by a stone wall on one side, built lately. There are stones lying on that side of the land for building a fence. There is no cultivation on the land at present.)

C. G. Hopkins, King's Land Agent, objected to the claim for this kula land. 1st Because it is now entirely without signs of cultivation, -2nd Hina was warned by Alapai the Sub Agent not to enclose the land at the boundaries claimed by him, assigning as a reason that he would thereby take in the Konohiki's land, - 3rd because it is not enclosed even up to the present time, and 4th because a portion of the land is said to have been cultivated by other persons.

[Award 8183; R.P. 1321; Hauula Koolauloa, 1 ap. 3.00 Ac.]