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Claim 8164P, Hua
F.T. 136v10
Claimant, being sworn, deposed that his claim was drawn up by Naiwieha in 1848. He supposes it was carried the claim to the Land Commission by Naiwieha.
Kalauaua, sworn, says he knows the land claimed by Hua in Kahana. It consists of 25 ka ....
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.... the kula land claimed by Hua, adjoining his house. It is not well cultivated. There may be half an acre in cultivation.
Kapaakea, the konohiki, had no objections to make to this claim, except in regard to the kula land.
[Award 8164P; R.P. 2044; Kahana Koolauloa; 3 ap.; 6.914 Acs]