Mahele Documents

10/24/2011 2:47:48 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 00428
Claimant: Kaonohimaka
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Wailuku
Ahupuaa: Wailuku
Ili: Waikani
Statistics: 1920 characters 312 words
No. 428, Kaonohimaka
N.R. 156v2

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I hereby petition you for the right to my land at Waikani, Wailuku. I have 15 taro patches there, described as follow: North, the government road, east, some of the konohiki's taro patches, and the government road, south, some taro patches belonging to someone else, and the hala tree, west, a ....

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Kapau, sworn by the Word of God, that place that Kaonohimaka is claiming is at Waikani. The two patches which he has are from me. They were my two old patches. Pikanele had given him his land. I have personally seen those patches and he has been living there until the present time, no one has objected.

[Award 428; R.P. 5146; Waikani Wailuku; 1 ap.; .99 Ac.]