Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08085
Claimant: Kamokuia
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Kohala, North
Ahupuaa: Honopueo
Ili: Hauola, Paeloa
Statistics: 2227 characters 353 words
No. 8085, Kamokuia, January 25, 1848
N.R. 71v8

A claim for land which was from Kamehameha III to Leleiohoku to Kahula, and from Kahula to me, Kamokuia. I have occupied the ili of Hauola for five years.

F.T. 15v4
No. 8085, Kamokuia

Hoohua, sworn, testifies that claimant occupies one section of land in the Ili of Hanola, Ahupuaa Honopueo. Said section is thus bounded: ....

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.... ohalawaho by ili land of Kaluanui
Makai by Pahoa's land
Kohalaloko by the konohiki.

The ili section at Hanola is from Kahula received during the time of Kamehameha II. Section II, the ili of Paeloa, is from Ikoa received in 1845; no one has objected to this day.

Haia, sworn and stated, I have known exactly as Hoohua has stated here.

[Award 8085; R.P. 7128; Honopueo N. Kohala; 1 ap.; 16.555 Acs]