Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08057
Claimant: Honokaupu
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu
Ili: Kahapaakai
Statistics: 2928 characters 487 words
No. 8057, Honokaupu, Honolulu, February 14, 1848
N.R. 484-485v5

Greetings to the Land Commissioners of the honorable Mo`i of the Hawaiian Islands: I hereby state my claim for land to you, it is a mo`o at Nuuanu, in the land of Kahapaakai. It is well farmed, there are also some weed-grown lo`is, and a kula for planting sweet potatoes, and a place also for my animals to run. The house is on the mauka side, this is the lot of Kanaina for Mikapole. From the road which ascends Nuuanu, to the stream, and climbing to the pali from the corner of the wall, passing s ....

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.... aakai. He arranged with the tenants the work schedule for konohiki days and the Friday koeles. Honokaupu [did] not included [include] his own patches in the arrangement, although four koele patches are in section 2. He has continued to live in these sections t this day without dispute.

Kahulanui, sworn, I have known in the same way as Kalua has related here.

Postponed until M. Kekuanaoa is available.
M. Kekuanaoa did present himself and has confirmed his claim. No objections.

[Award 8057; R.P. 5577; Kahapaakai Honolulu Kona; 1 ap. 10.03 Acs]