Mahele Documents

08020 Nohio, his wife
Claim Number: 08020
Claimant: Kapoi, Aka
Other claimant:Nohio, his wife
Other name: Kapoi, Aka
Island: Kauai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Hanapepe
Ili: Kaauwaikahi
Statistics: 3255 characters 526 words
No. 8020, Aka
N.R. 477-478v5

Explanation concerning my claim for land and lot. The length is nine chains, four fathoms. The width is two chains, three fathoms. There are five lo`i within. A pali is on the north wide, on the east are some lo`is for Kaea, on the south side is a muliwai, on the west side are some lo`is for Kiko. This is finished. Also, the lot claims: one lot is 2 chains long by 1 chain wide. Another lot is 3 chains long by 1 chain wide. There are two lots. these are my explanations to you, the persons who seek out the rights.
Farewell to you.

F.T. 203-205v11supp.

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.... />Wahiawa by Kamoku ditch
Makai by Kahiluai a moi
Waimea by Konohiki koele.

Section 3:
Mauka by Kawalehua pasture
Wahiawa by Kapalawai house lot
Makai by Lono's house lot
Waimea by church.

Section 4:
Mauka by Government road
Wahiawa by Lono's house lot
Makai by a pasture
Waimea by Kamalenui's house lot.

Land from Kupia at the time of Kaikioewa, no objections to the present time.

Lono, sworn, Poopuu's statement is accurate.

[Award 8020; R.P. 7925; Kaauwaikahi Hanapepe Kona; 4 ap.; 2.5 Acs 18 rods; 10222 not awarded]