Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 00411
Claimant: Poonui
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Wailuku
Ahupuaa: Waikupu
Ili: Kaunuilio
Statistics: 2314 characters 438 words
No. 411, Poonui, Waikapu, Jan, 14, 1847
N.R. 137v2

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I hereby petition for my houselot, Here is the right: I have a house-lot at a separate place outside of the land, I paid the sum of $58,75 to lease my lot, I asked Kaai for that place and got it, This is at Waikapu, the name of it is Kaunuilio,

N.T. 137-138v2
No. 411, Poonui, Wailuku, September 5, 1847

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.... ord of God, I have seen the property of Poonui which is in Waikapu, on the southeastern side of the road that leads to Lahaina, but it is outside of the enclosed land. I have seen this land since I was small to this present time. No one has ob-jected to his living there and no one lived there except Poonui and in the year 1843 Poonui worked for himself. That is the end of what I have known.

[Award 411; Kaumuilio Waikapu; 1 ap.; 3.53 Ac.; Gr. 2474]