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No. 7933, Kupihea
N.R. 362v9
The Land Commissioners, greetings: I hereby state my claim for land. I, Kupihea, a Hawaiian subject, live at Waikoko, island of Kauai The lo`i is 6 chains 4 fathoms long by 3 chains 7 fathoms wide. The kula and the house lot are in another place.
Waikoko, Kauai,
February 9, 1848
F.T. 146-147v12
No. 7933, Kupihea, C ....
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.... ure at Kaikapa.
Mauka by Konohiki's weed lois
Hanalei by Konohiki's weed lois
Makai by Kuahua peak
Koolau by Waiawa river.
Land from D. Oleloa in 1844, by sale and it is secured, there is no other land of value to Kupihea nor to his three children.
Puaaiki, sworn, he has seen Kupihea's land at Waikoko just as Kuku has related here.
[No. 7933 Not awarded]