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No. 7928, Kahakuhananui
N.R. 361-362v9
The Land Commissioners, greetings to you all: I hereby state my claim for land. I, Kahaku, a Hawaiian subject, live at Kukuilolo, island of Kauai. There are five loko and a kula and the house site. On the east it is 88 fathoms, on the north, 55 fathoms, on the west; 88 fathoms, on the south, 55 fathoms. It was received from Kupia, and has been held until Kaulaloa /the present Konohiki/. Those are my claims for land.
Hanapepe, Kauai,
13 January 1848
F.T. 211-212v11supp.
No. 7928, Maluaikoo, Claimant.
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.... i.
Mauka by Kaakanakaehu moo
Wahiawa by Kaawanui ditch
Makai, separating Kukuiloa, a pasture
Waimea by Hanapepe stream.
Sections 1 and 2 from Kaikioewa to Kahakuhananui, upon his death, Maluaikoo was the heir. Section 3 from Nuanua to Luka, from Luka to Maluaikoo, no objections on these land sections.
Luka, sworn, verifies Kapihenui"s statement.
[Award 7928; R.P. 7046; Kaawainui Hanapepe Kona; 1 ap.; 1 Ac 3 roods 28 rods; Kukuilolo Hanapepe Kona; 1 ap.; 2 Ac 3 roods 15 rods; Maialoa Hanapepe Kona; 1 ap.; 2 roods 6 rods; TMK 1-8-03 Ap. 1 & 2: 8.64 Ac., Ap. 3: .54 Ac.]