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No. 400, Kealolou, Halaula III, Wailuku, Maui, January 4, 1847
N.R. 132-133v2
Request for land right. Greetings to the Land Commissioners: You have asked us, the subjects of the Mo`i for an explanation in writing of the right to the land. Therefore I explain to you in this letter, I, a subject of the Mo`i, am a tenant at the `ili of Halaula III at Wailuku, Island of Maui. I have a right, from my grandparents and my parents. They are dead and thei ....
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.... wa. I have heard that it is a very old place for Kealalou ma from his grandparents. Kanae has the place which had been for Nalaipuleho. I have heard that Kealalou had given that property to them (two). I have known from Auwae's time to this that he is the konohiki of this land. He had built his house there a long time ago.
[Award 400; R.P. 3708; Halaula Wailuku; 2 ap. 1.78 Acres; not in awardee or location index; on 1899 Map above Apiki Ap. 1]