Boundary Commission

1925 206 Bishop, Bernice Pauahi
Certification: 206
Ahupua`a Kelawea Portion
District: Lahaina
Island Maui
Ownership: Bishop, Bernice Pauahi
Year: 1925
Statistics: 15059 characters 2408 words
Kelawea Ahupuaa Portion, Lahaina District, Island of Maui, Boundary Commission, Maui, Volume 3, No. 2, pps. 30-40

Before The Commissioner of Boundaries in and for The Second Judicial Circuit, Territory of Hawaii.

In the Matter of the Application of William O. Smith, E. Faxon Bishop, A.F. Judd, William Williamson and Richard H. Trent, as Trustees under the Will and of the Estate of Bernice P. Bishop. Deceased, for the Settlement and the Issuance of a Certificate of Boundaries covering a Portion of the Ahupuaa of Kelawea, in the District of Lahaina, Inland of Maui, Territory of Hawaii.

Commissioner: Daniel H. Case.

Under date of July 3rd, 1925, William O. Smith, E. Faxon Bishop, A. F. Judd, William Williamson and Richard H. Trent, filed their application alleging that they were residents of Honolulu, City and County of Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, and were the duly appointed, qualified and acting Trustees under the Will and of the Estate of Bernice P. Bishop, Deceased.

[page 31]
Applicants further alleged that in and by Award No. 7713, the Board of Commissioners to Quiet Land Titles, acting under and by virtue of the authority conferred and contained in an Act enacted and passed at the Legislative Session of the Kingdom of Hawaii for' the year 1852, entitled “Relating to Land Titles of Konohikis", approved June 19th, 1852, did award to Victoria Kamamalu, among other lands, the Ahupuaa of Kelawea, in the District of Lahaina, Island of Maui, Territory of Hawaii, as Apana No. 27, by name only, and not by survey; that said Victoria Kamamalu having commuted the Government rights in the lands awarded to her as aforesaid, Royal Patent 4475 issued to her on said award without survey.

Applicants further alleged that, as Trustee* aforesaid, and as the successors in title and interest of 'Victoria Kamamalu, they claim to be and are the owners of a Portion of said Ahupuaa of Kelawea, the outer boundaries of which, have not at any time heretofore been settled, determined or certified by any Judicial Tribunal having authority so to do; and that, as such owners, they are desirous of having the boundaries of said Portion of the Ahupuaa of Kelawea hereinabove referred resettled, determined and certified, and so make application therefor.

Attached to, incorporated and made a part of the application are Exhibits 'A', 'B' and 'C.'

[page 32]
Exhibit 'A' is a separate statement and description by metes and bounds, (said to be by true azimuth survey, and connected by coordinates to the Government SurveyTriangulation System,) of the outer boundaries of the Portion of the aforesaid Ahupuaa of Kelawea, the boundaries of which are sought to be determined and certified.

Exhibit 'B' is said to show all natural topographical features, permanent or other marks along boundary lines; the bearings or distances of e ....

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.... ided and are certified in this proceeding area, as follows:

Beginning at the East corner of this piece of land at a concrete post marked "Y" on the road going into Kahoma Gulch. The coordinates of the above post referred to the Government Survey Trig. Station "Laina" are 5157.2 feet South and 1441.1 feet West and running by true azimuths as follows:

1. 74° 40' 72.0 feet along Kelawea along stone wall;
2. 56° 02' 31.9 feet along Kelawea along stone wall;
3. 168° 00' 101.0 feet along Land Commission Award 7777 Apana 2 toKaiaino;
4. 59° 23' 56.8 feet along same;
5. 325° 451 97.0 feet along same;
6. 56° 02' 190.0 feet along Kelawea along stone wall;
7 147° 06' 99.7 feet along Land Commission Award 8452 to Keohokalole;
8. 51° 25' 19.7 feet along same;
9. 148° 30' 221.3 feet along Land Commission Award 6549 Apana 2 toHauola to a concrete post marked E. The coordinates of this Postreferred to "Laina" Trig. Station are 5050.4 feet South and 1895.1 feet West;
10. 212° 20' 125.0 feet along Land Commission Award 312 Apana 3 to Keaweiwi;
[Page 40]
11. 240° 45' 41.0 feet along Land Commission Award 10612; Apana 2 to Palau;
12. 159° 20' 16.3 feet along same;
13. 215° 30' 79.7 feet along Land Commission Award 962, Apana 2 to J. Armas;
14. 237° 40' 170.0 feet along Land Commission Award 962, Apana 2 to J. Armas;
15. 207° 50' 147.0 feet along Land Commission Award 9795B to Kaaua;
16. 142° 101 60.1 feet along same;
17. 227° 20' 192.1 feet along same;
18. 234° 09' 77.85 feet along Aki, Lot 4, along South bank of Kahoma Stream;
19. 349° 55' 36.6 feet along Paeohi;
20. 52° 46' 92.4 feet along road;
21. 17° 00' 88.0 feet along road;
22. 357° 45' 482.0 feet along road;
23. 26° 30' 40.4 feet along Land Commission Award 481, Apana 1 to Kapihenui;
24. 332° 40' 45.9 feet along same and Land Commission Award 7777, Apana 1 to Kaiaino;
25. 357° 45' 22.0 feet along road to the point of beginning.
Containing an area of 4.52 Acres;

within the confines of the above described is Apana 2, Land Commission Award 481 to Kapihenui, containing an area of .17 acres.
Signed at Wailuku, Maui, Territory of Hawaii,
December 15, 1925, as of the 12th day of September, 1925.
D.H. Case, Commissioner of Boundaries for the Second Judicial Circuit ofthe Territory of Hawaii.

1 day's work at $10.00 per day; $10.00; 3 folios of descriptive matter @ 50c folio, 1.50; 1 copy of same, .75;
18 folios of record of testimony and proceedings had at 25c per folio, 4.50; 1 copy of same, 2.25; Postage 1.00; [Subtotal] $20.00
2 Certified copies at 2.00 each, Total $24.00

[No. 206, Kelawea Ahupuaa Portion, Lahaina District, Island of Maui, Boundary Commission, 4.52 acres; 1925]