Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 11173
Claimant: Wahinealua
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Hilo
Ahupuaa: Waiakea
Ili: Alenoho
Statistics: 1625 characters 280 words
No. 11173, Wahinealua
F.T. 492v3

Testimony respecting the kuleana of Wahinealua, in the ili of Alenoho, Waiakea, Hilo, taken February 03, 1853.

Kalua, sworn, says Wahinealua and his heirs have been in the quiet possession of this Kuleana from the time Maalo was head man of Waiakea till the ....

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.... a, and has not since heard or known anything leading him to doubt it. Maalo ceased to be head man of Waiakea about the year 1834.

(W. Pitman has seen the survey and testimony and I understand him to admit the claim as probably good/D.G. Lyman

[Award 11173; R.P. 7135; Waiakea Hilo; 1 ap.; 2.5 Acs]