Mahele Documents

7/1/2011 12:11:46 AM - last modified
Claim Number: 10595
Claimant: Puakala
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Hanapepe
Ili: Kaauwaikahi, Kaau, Kekee
Statistics: 2679 characters 403 words
No. 10595, Puakala
N.R. 299v9

On the island of Kauai, Ahupua`a of Hanapepe, `ili of Kaauaekahi, I have a land, lo`i and kula, named Kikee. It is adjoined by the land of Meheula on the north, by the muliwai on the east, by Waipuhia on the south, and the pali of Kaneekeke on the west.

Also, I have a house lot in this same land of Keke /Kikee?/. On the north is the house lot named Hanapai, on the east is the stream, on the west is a kula of Kamalama, on the south is a house lot.

This land and house lot ....

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.... Kealii pali.

Section 3:
Mauka by Kaimiluhe's house lot
Wahiawa by Hanapepe stream
Makai by (?) Holeke's house lot
Waimea by Waioipo pasture.

Land from Kupia at the time of Kaumualii, no objections.

Namohu, sworn, Kapoanu's testimony is correct.

[Award 10595; R.P. 7853; Kaau 1 ap. 1 rood 7 rods; Kaauwaikahi 1 ap. 1 Ac 1 rood 4 rods; Kekee 1 ap. 3 roods 4 rods; TMK 1-8-09; TMK 1-9-10. Ap 3; TMK 1-9-11 Ap. 1; TMK 1-9-12 Ap. 2; See also Award 9142; R.P. 7938; TMK 1-9-10 Ap. 2]