Mahele Documents

1/19/2009 1:34:26 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 09315
Claimant: Haki
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Ewa
Ahupuaa: Waimalu
Ili: Waieli
Statistics: 1856 characters 305 words
No9315, Haki
N.R. 435v4

I, Haki, am a claimant of a mo'o in the 'ili of Waieli, Waimalu, Ewa, Oahu. The description is as follows: from Kaluakanaka to the northeast, the first and second mo`os are mine, named Kalokoloa and Keoneula.

F.T. 50-51v9
Paioa, sworn says, the land is a moo kalo called Kaloko ....

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.... />Section 2:
Mauka, Keokea Friday
Honolulu, Lokokahi pond
Makai, Sea
Waianae, Paakai pond

Land from Maika at the time of Kinau, no one objected to him.

Maika, sworn, he has known in the same way as Paioa because he (Maika) had given
him the land.

[Award 9315; R.P. 866; Waieli Waimalu Ewa; 2 ap.; 1.568 Acs]